jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

... change ...

Change is a part of life, whether we like it or not every single accion we take every day can lead to a complete turn of events that can change our lives in ways we never imagened possible. Change is almost innevetable, the only thing we can control is our attitude towards it. I personally don't have a very specific idea about the subject. I consider that change can be both good and bad.

Some people don't like change, they see it as a threat, being comfortable with their lives as they are they don't welcome the idea of changing anything about it. We could maybe atribute this to the fact that change can be quite frightening (the possibility of something going wrong is a terrifying thought), but even so, not accepting changes can only lead to repeat daily accions and activities again and again, wich is in my opinion a very boring way to live.

On the other hand some people welcome change as they see it as an exciting experience. Accepting change can be a very good way to help youself to grow as person, in both personal and profesional fields. Furthermore it can lead to highly fun experiences.
Even more, if we look back on human history we could say that all the discoveries (in fields such as medicine, geography, science, etc. ...) were made by man and women that were not afraid of change (in fact we could say that those people wanted tho change the world, or at least something about it) . Many of those changes beneficiated humanity. Nevertheless, we do have to consider that not all the changes that took place in the past have ended up being for the best interest of humanity, or the planet.

Consequently I consider that we could define change as a doble-edged weapon (but this is of course if we speak of a global scale change), on more daily life basis I’m personally afraid of change, but if I know,or at least suspect, that it is for my own good, or the well-being of some one I care for, I can welcome it.

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