viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

- Last year’s second term -

2009’s second semester was a little complicated in academical terms for me. I failed 3 out of 6 subjects, which again proved me that I do horrible at university when the a academical load is too high for me. I do however hope to better this year and I guess I can say that thanks to last term’s experiences I learned to revalue sleep (as ridiculous as it may sound) and I reconsidered my study methods.

Like usual I didn’t practice any sport nor did any specific outdoor activity (I’m a highly sedentary person). Concerning my family members, last semester my father had to undergo back surgery because of a problem he’s been having for years now. Thankfully everything went well and now he’s doing pretty good.

Another thing that didn’t exactly happened during the class period was that I finally took driving lessons and presented the driving exam (and passed!). This actually was a big deal for me because in the past I had practically convinced myself that I was never going to be able to drive because it scared me to much (it still kind of does but a lot less than before), so I guess it was nice to prove myself that I actually could do it.


2 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

2009’s second semester was a little complicated in academical terms for me. I failed 3 out of 6 subjects, which again proved me that I do horrible at university when the a academical load is too high for me. I do however hope to better this year and I guess I can say that thanks to last term’s experiences I learned to revalue sleep (as ridiculous as it may sound) and I reconsidered my WF study methods.

Like usual I didn’t practice any sport nor did any specific outdoor activity (I’m a highly sedentary person). Concerning my family members, last semester my father had to undergo back surgery because of a problem he’s been having for years now. Thankfully everything went well and now he’s doing pretty good.

Another thing that didn’t exactly happened during the class period was that I finally took driving lessons and presented the driving exam (and passed!). This actually was a big deal for me because in the past I had practically convinced myself that I was never going to be able to drive because it scared me to much (it still kind of does but a lot less than before), so I guess it was nice to prove myself that I actually could do it.

I wish you the best although I think you honestly need to consider some exercise or extra activity i would do a good effect on you, since you´re not thinking only in academic stuff

p.s. you got 6.2

Andrés dijo...

Last year was very difficult for me too

Hang on
