domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Death Penalty

Some people belive that murderers should be paid with the same treatment they gave their victims. Some argue that by not doing so we somehow send the message that the lives of the victims are less important than the murderer’s life.
Others that defend death penalty as a suitable penalization (not only for murderers but also for rapists for example) consider it a necessary measure as it may work as exemplary punishment. This has apparently been proved to be a wrong approach in the matters of reducing crime.

People against capital punishment belive that we really have no right to take somebody’s life even if they took the liberty to do so. Considering this, death penalty would only serve the purpose of revenge and not justice. Some against it even argue that murderers should have the oportunity to be rehabilitated and reintroduced to society if possible.

To be honest I don’t really know very well what to think of it. I tend to be against it (because to my mind maybe just dying is kind of like an easy way out as opposed to be forced to live the rest of your life deprived of your freedom). But I can’t say that if I ever face the situation of a loved one being murdered by someone, that I wouldn’t want that person to die. I think that just like with most controversial topics one’s opinion changes according to one’s personal experience.


1 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

Some people SP belive that murderers should be paid with the same treatment they gave their victims. Some argue that by not doing so we somehow send the message that the lives of the victims are less important than the murderer’s life.
Others that defend death penalty as a suitable penalization (not only for murderers but also for rapists for example) consider it a necessary measure as it may work as exemplary punishment. This has apparently been proved to be a wrong approach in the matters of reducing crime.

People against capital punishment belive that we really have no right to take somebody’s life even if they took the liberty to do so. Considering this, death penalty would only serve the purpose of revenge and not justice. Some against it even argue that murderers should have the oportunity to be rehabilitated and reintroduced to society if possible.

To be honest I don’t really know very well what to think of it. I tend to be against it (because to my mind maybe just dying is kind of like an easy way out as opposed to be forced to live the rest of your life deprived of your freedom). But I can’t say that if I ever face the situation of a loved one being murdered by someone, that I wouldn’t want that person to die. I think that just like with most controversial topics one’s opinion changes according to one’s personal experience.

well done but be careful with the genre..I'll explain in class