domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

~~ Our Faculty ~~

I consider that our faculty has several infrastructure problems. Currently the faculty has 2 computer labs, 1 cafeteria, 1 library and 1 common area for the students to just spend their time. Considering this, there are some things that need improvement.

First of all there is the space problem. Our common areas are to small and do not have the capacity to shelter all the students in the faculty. For example, the cafeteria. If we take into account the number of students the faculty has, then it becomes quite obvious that the cafeteria does not provide enough space for everyone. It’s small which forces a lot of students to have their lunch in the campus outdoor areas, this is not a big deal during summer, but when winter comes and temperature strats to decrease and rain becomes more frequent then it does become an issue. We have the same problem with the library, like the cafeteria, the library is way to small, I don’t think that it has room for more than 70 people, so te problem is the same, students then have to study outdoors. Then, there’s the common area issue. The faculty has only one common area for students, it is located between to the xerox machines and the student council and is – quite frankly- ridiculously small. The common area only has one couch (usually used by the faculty dogs), one coffee table and one TV that apparently, is broken. So when it rains, student’s only choices for shelter are the cafeteria and the library which I already established are to small.

Another big problem we have is that we don’t have anything to distract ourselves with. The cafeteria used to have pool tables and some video games, but they were all removed after some parents made a complaint about them, stating that the games would distract us from our studies. I considered the measure to be extremely unfair (students need distractions!, we are not robots!).

Lastly, I have to mention the cafeteria again. This time my complaint is not about the space, it’s about the food. The cafeteria serves and extremely monotonous and expensive menu. We should have more options and the hygiene with which meals are prepared also needs to improve.

In order to improve all of these things the faculty should probably invest money in the construction of new common areas as well as in the enlargement of the cafeteria and library. I think this would bring a lot of benefits to the students. For example, if students have more places to be in, then the library would not be so cramped and it would be a lot more pleasant to study there.


2 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

I consider that our faculty has several infrastructure problems. Currently the faculty has 2 computer labs, 1 cafeteria, 1 library and 1 common area for the students to just spend their time. Considering this, there are some things that need improvement.

First of all there is the space problem. Our common areas are to small and do not have the capacity to shelter all the students in the faculty. For example, the cafeteria. If we take into account the number of students the faculty has, then it becomes quite obvious that the cafeteria does not provide enough space for everyone. It’s small which forces a lot of students to have their lunch in the campus outdoor areas, this is not a big deal during summer, but when winter comes and temperature strats to decrease and rain becomes more frequent then it does become an issue. We have the same problem with the library, like the cafeteria, the library is way to small, I don’t think that it has room for more than 70 people, so te problem is the same, students then have to study outdoors. Then, there’s the common area issue. The faculty has only one common area for students, it is located between to the xerox machines and the student council and is – quite frankly- ridiculously small. The common area only has one couch (usually used by the faculty dogs), one coffee table and one TV that apparently, is broken. So when it rains, student’s only choices for shelter are the cafeteria and the library which I already established are to small.

Another big problem we have is that we don’t have anything to distract ourselves with. The cafeteria used to have pool tables and some video games, but they were all removed after some parents made a complaint about them, stating that the games would distract us from our studies. I considered the measure to be extremely unfair (students need distractions!, we are not robots!).

Lastly, I have to mention the cafeteria again. This time my complaint is not about the space, it’s about the food. The cafeteria serves and extremely monotonous and expensive menu. We should have more options and the hygiene with which meals are prepared also needs to improve.

In order to improve all of these things the faculty should probably invest money in the construction of new common areas as well as in the enlargement of the cafeteria and library. I think this would bring a lot of benefits to the students. For example, if students have more places to be in, then the library would not be so cramped and it would be a lot more pleasant to study there.

well done! did you know we're having a new English lab? maybe we can have coffee in there...

Nachors dijo...

I quite agree with you... I think we don't have enough shelter places in the faculty and that's pretty annoying, most of all in winter.